Project summery
The British Aero road bike company worked with Facebook Marketing Partner Awangarda to advertise its bike financing plan in UK and saw an 8.8-point lift in unaided ad recall.
Aero road bikes are optimized to cut down on wind resistance by using more aerodynamically shaped tubing for the frame, along with wheels, handlebars and other elements that are likewise designed specifically to knife through the wind.
Aero bike is a new version lunched on Aug 2021 that look very much like a typical “racing” type road bike, but the company had unexpected difficulties to enter the racing bike market as well as the road one.
8.8-point lift in unaided ad recall
$55K free earn media through social shares on FB, IG, YouTube and TikTok,
5.4-point lift in purchase intent
Engagement and DM on website changed from brad awareness to focused on price and requests for test drive.
8.8-point lift in standard brand awareness
Dramatic increase in followers and channel subscriptions.
1.9X lift in conversions (people booking test drives)
Test drives leading to sales.
By partnering with Awangarda, Aero successfully highlighted its monthly financing plan and encouraged people to sign up for a test-drive and increase bike sales.